Including the Adirondack Scholarship Foundation in your planned giving or estate plan is a meaningful way to ensure the future of scholarships to children who might otherwise not be able to experience the life-changing magic of summer camp.

Making a planned gift doesn't have to be complicated or only for individuals of advanced age.

Planned gifts can take many different forms. Each offers the donor a unique benefit; most gifts have positive tax consequences and are usually developed as part of a larger financial plan.

Common planned gifts that the Adirondack Scholarship Foundation can receive:

Gifts through your Will
Your Will can specify that a percentage, or exact dollar amount from your estate or trust be given to The Adirondack Scholarship Foundation. These gifts often can reduce estate taxes. Such a bequest can be accomplished in your Will with simple language.

“I hereby give to The Adirondack Scholarship Foundation, Inc., P.O. Box 4, Plattsburgh, NY 12901 - - 585-278-4959 - Erik Zimmerman, Director, a not-for-profit organization (EIN 22-2303625):

The sum of $ ____________ (amount)
AND/OR _____% (percent) of the residue of my estate
AND/OR The following described property _______________ (description).”

Your bequest can easily be added to your existing Will as an Amendment or a Codicil; there is no need to revise the entire document.
Gifts outside of your Will
The Adirondack Scholarship Foundation, Inc. can be named as a beneficiary of life insurance policies, appreciated securities, real estate, any 401(k), IRA, or other qualified retirement plans.
With the help of your attorney and/or financial planner, a trust can be created that provides you with income during your lifetime. At the time the trust is settled, The Adirondack Scholarship Foundation, Inc., receives all or part of what remains in the trust.
You can donate a residence, vacation home, farm, or acreage that may have appreciated in value to the extent that sale of the property would result in sizable capital gains tax. By donating that property, you avoid taxes and receive a deduction for the full market value of the property.
Donors who plan to make a gift from their will or estate and those who have previously established such funds for the Foundation are included in the Colonel’s Club.

This gives donors a special opportunity to be recognized, and create their own legacy - in the form of camp scholarships - for decades to come.

Colonel H.T. Swan, pictured with his wife, "Aunt" Sarah Robinson Swan, was a camper, counselor, director and beloved figure at camp.
The Foundation recommends that you discuss your plans with your own personal attorney or financial planner to assure that all of your long-range goals are fulfilled.

The information contained herein is not and shall not be meant to be legal advice, and The Adirondack Scholarship Foundation, Camp Pok-O–MacCready and/or Aubrey L. Moss, Esquire shall not be deemed as acting as a lawyer(s) and shall not be subject to any liability arising from the statements made herein.

The Adirondack Scholarship Foundation, Inc. - EIN: 22-2303625